Sunday 12 August 2012

Using Java github repo's from Clojure

This week after watching Mike's lightning talk on bloom & count-min sketch algorithms I found myself hacking away at a Clojure implementation of a bloom filter and needing to pull in a Java project from github (a murmur hash implementation).

Here's how it's done:
  1. Add the following line to ~/.lein/profiles: [lein-git-deps "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"] under :user :plugins, like so:
  2. Form the command line run: lein deps

  3. In your projects project.clj file add the following: where :git-dependencies is the github url of the repo you wish to use and :java-source-paths is the path where Leiningen will find the source code to build (note: it will be downloaded from github into a directory .lein-git-deps/ by default
  4. From the command like run: lein git-deps

  5. Add an import statement to your clojure files:

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